LEAP Receives National Diaper Need Awareness Week Proclamation: A Journey of Growth

September 2024 | Lori Goodman
As I walked up Farren Road early one morning, I began to reflect on the journey that led us to this momentous day. It all started with a phone call, a seemingly simple idea, and the courage to try something new.
Back in 2020, my friend Wendi Ostroff called with an interesting idea – would LEAP consider starting a diaper bank? We were surprised to learn that none existed in Santa Barbara County. We knew there was a need for diapers in our community, we just didn’t know how vast that need was. Diapers are a basic need for families with young children, and an expensive one at that, with one in two families struggling with the high cost of diapers.
There were still so many unknowns. How would we pay for it? Where would we store the diapers? Would our staff suddenly find themselves buried under a mountain of Pampers?
Despite not having all the answers, we knew it was important to try. After all, this is how LEAP lives up to its mission, by assisting with basic needs to help break the cycle of poverty.
After checking in with our Family Resource Center’s Program Director, Ana Maya, we began giving away diapers in early 2021. Fast forward to 2024, and we’ve distributed over 200,000 diapers and wipes to families throughout Santa Barbara County. Our diaper bank is about more than just supplies. It’s about wrapping our community in care, one diaper at a time.
The results have been impressive. Families report reduced stress, improved financial stability, and better health outcomes for their babies.
This ripple effect is exactly what an abundance mindset can create. By providing diapers, we’re not just meeting an immediate need – we’re creating long-term impact. Parents can now afford to send their children to daycare, allowing them to work or attend school. This opens up opportunities for advancement and breaks the cycle of poverty.
Perhaps most importantly, our diaper bank serves as a gateway to our other services. Families who come for diapers are invited to learn about positive parenting, financial literacy, and tenants’ rights. When we build trust with families by providing diapers, we begin to hear about their goals and obstacles, and we can provide the additional support they need. One interaction leads to another – a virtuous cycle.
I am so honored that our Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors decided to officially recognize National Diaper Need Awareness Week. The enthusiastic support of Supervisor Joan Hartmann and Supervisor Laura Capps means so much to me, and more importantly, to LEAP.
On September 10, 2024, we received the historic proclamation from the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, officially recognizing National Diaper Need Awareness Week from September 23-29, 2024, the first of its kind in California!
As I accepted the proclamation, I couldn’t help but think of all the families we’ve helped and those we’ll be able to reach with this increased awareness. I thought of the parents who won’t have to choose between diapers and food, wrapping not only their babies, but also their minds in comfort.
This proclamation is more than just a piece of paper. It’s a testament to what can happen when a community comes together to support one another. It’s a reminder that small ideas can grow into powerful movements.
As we prepare for National Diaper Need Awareness Week, I’m filled with gratitude and hope. Gratitude for our supportive community, especially Supervisors Hartmann and Capps, whose words and actions have amplified our mission. And hope for a future where no family has to struggle with diaper need.
However, our work is far from over. There is no government funding stream for our diaper bank. We rely on our donors and community members to help us sustain this vital community need.
To everyone who has supported us on this journey – thank you. And to those who want to help, remember: your support, whether through donations or participation in our diaper drives, makes a real difference.
LEAP stands for Learn Engage Advocate Partner. This proclamation embodies all of these values, and we’re excited to see where this new chapter takes us. It took courage to start this journey, and it will take the continued support of our community to keep it going. Here’s to making every day a little better for the families we serve!