Goleta Valley Community Partners

Goleta Valley Partnership Network connects stakeholders across the Goleta Valley in order to strengthen our community.

Bower Foundation
Caprinteria Children’s Project
City of Goleta
City of Goleta
Cottage Hospital
Deckers Outdoor Corp.
Direct Relief
Fairview Gardens
Foodbank SBC
Future Leaders of America Gateway Educational Services Girls Inc Santa Barbara
Goleta City Council
Goleta Education Foundation Goleta Union School District Goleta Valley Community Center Goodwill Industrices, Santa Barbara Healing Justice
Health Linkages, SBCEO
Hope School
Isla Vista Community Services Distirct
Isla Vista Food Coop
Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District
Isla Vista Tenants Union

Kids Network/Department of Social Services
Leading from Within
Legal Aid Foundation
Maternal Child and Adolescent Health , SBCEO
Partners in Education, SBCEO Salvation Army
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office Education Services
Santa Barbara Food Action Network
Santa Barbara Foundation
Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
Santa Barbara Response Network South Coast Chamber of Commerce
St George Youth Center
Towbes Foundation
UCSB Associated Students UCSB Early Childhood Care and Education Services
UCSB Police Department
UCSB Student Affairs
United Boys and Girls Club United Way of Santa Barbara County
WIC, Public Health
Youth and Family Services, CIYMCA Youth Innovation Club