The IVYP Children’s Center provides high-quality, trauma-informed early childhood care and education programs. We provide significant source of support for each family while providing a caring learning environment for each child.
It is vitally important for infants to have a reliable, responsive care giver so that they can build strong, secure attachments. In our classrooms, each child is paired with an individual caregiver so that the child can be nurtured in a safe, loving environment.
Care-giving activities such as feeding and diapering are viewed as an opportunity to deepen bonds of trust and promote language, self-awareness and social skills. Infants’ pre-existing patterns for feeding and sleeping are respected and incorporated into the child’s routine at the center.
Our focus for developmental growth with infants is developing fine and gross motor ability, sensory skills and use of language. Our educators focus on small exercises for infants using age appropriate toys, facial expressions, and developmentally appropriate music in both English and Spanish.
If you are interested in our other 0 – 5 programs, click here.