Preschool Program
The IVYP Children’s Center provides high-quality, trauma-informed early childhood care and education programs. We provide a significant source of support for each family while providing a caring learning environment for each child.
IVYP’s preschool classrooms are composed of children 3 years to 5 years of age. These classrooms are places focused on the development of the child’s whole self: creative, intellectual, physical, social and emotional. As each of these facets develops at different rates, the children seek activities and experiences that meet their individual needs. In addition, children with different knowledge and abilities stimulate one another’s thinking and encourage pro-social behaviors amongst themselves. This enables families, children and teachers the chance to build strong and consistent relationships with one another.
All of the classroom environments offer a rich variety of spaces, materials and activities organized to promote children’s active exploration and mastery. Although classrooms often appear informal, they are the result of careful planning and structuring to ensure that the needs of each child are met in a supportive and nurturing way.
Our teachers encourage curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, promote cooperative social interactions, support individual creativity and diversity and provide opportunities for children to use their growing bodies to develop a sense of autonomy and self-worth. Children spend the majority of their day involved in a variety of activities: art, block building, dramatic play, music, sorting and matching games, listening to stories, movement activities, science activities and large motor play.
If you are interested in our other 0 – 5 programs, click here.

outdoor play

social skills

build creativity