Toddler Program
The IVYP Children’s Center provides high-quality, trauma-informed early childhood care and education programs. We provide a significant source of support for each family while providing a caring learning environment for each child.
When a child takes their first step on his or her own, a new phase in development begins. At this stage, children are now free to roam around their world. It is a time for active exploration of their environment.
During the toddler years, IVYP supports child development by supporting language acquisition as well as emotional regulation. Because the toddler years are a stage of rapid physical and intellectual development, IVYP teachers provide many opportunities for children to explore their world.
Our toddler educators focus on developing fine and gross motor skills (grasping their own cups and utensils), sensory skills through hands-on exploring (playdough, goop, finger painting, etc.), social skills (small group activities and one-on-one activities with Educators). This age group also focuses on routines such as Circle Time. This is a time for singing, dancing and storytelling.
If you are interested in our other 0 – 5 programs, click here.

language development

outdoor play

fine motor skills